# See end of file for configuration comments WorkDir: /var/www/html/mrtg LoadMIBs: /usr/share/snmp/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt, /usr/share/snmp/mibs/TCP_MIB.txt, /usr/share/snmp/mibs/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.txt NoSpaceChar: ~ Options[^]: noinfo, growright XSize[_]: 600 YSize[_]: 150 Colours[_]: LIGHT BLUE#7aafff,BLUE#1000ff,DARK BLUE#000066,VIOLET#ff00ff,GREEN#00ff00 # Various interfaces. Some only show traffic inbound or outbound, # but we will graph both anyway because it's done by default. # Replace ROUTER with the IP or hostname of the router. Target[traffic_mac0]: 1:public@ROUTER MaxBytes[traffic_mac0]: 10000000 Title[traffic_mac0]: Traffic on Router Ethernet port PageTop[traffic_mac0]:

Traffic on Router Ethernet port

Target[traffic_ui0]: 2:public@ROUTER MaxBytes[traffic_ui0]: 10000000 Title[traffic_ui0]: Traffic on Router USB port PageTop[traffic_ui0]:

Traffic on Router USB port

Target[traffic_wlan0]: 3:public@ROUTER MaxBytes[traffic_wlan0]: 10000000 Title[traffic_wlan0]: Traffic on Router Wifi port PageTop[traffic_wlan0]:

Traffic on Router Wifi port

Target[traffic_atm0]: 6:public@ROUTER MaxBytes[traffic_atm0]: 10000000 Title[traffic_atm0]: Traffic on Router ATM (physical) port PageTop[traffic_atm0]:

Traffic on Router ATM (physical) port Target[traffic_pvc0]: 7:public@ROUTER MaxBytes[traffic_pvc0]: 10000000 Title[traffic_pvc0]: Traffic on Router Admin (VPN) port PageTop[traffic_pvc0]:

Traffic on Router Admin (VPN) port

Target[traffic_ppp1]: 15:public@ROUTER MaxBytes[traffic_ppp1]: 10000000 Title[traffic_ppp1]: Traffic on Router Point to Point (PPP) port PageTop[traffic_ppp1]:

Traffic on Router Point to Point (PPP) port

# You must make the WorkDir listed above or modify it to suit your # local configuration. # In root's or apache's crontab, put: # */5 * * * * /usr/bin/mrtg /path/to/mrtg.cfg # I recommend whatever user your webserver runs as. # Normally, mrtg will build the IP traffic graphs by default # with very little configuration, as shown above, because it knows # where the inbound and outbound byte counts should be located. # If the above doesn't work, it's probably because mrtg can't # figure out where the interface inbound and outbound counts are. # For reference, they are here (for the first interface): # IF-MIB::ifIndex.1 1 # IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 [mac0] Ethernet, Conexant Systems, Inc. # IF-MIB::ifInOctets.1 1445745787 # IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.1 0 # # So we would modify each one to be more specific: # Target[traffic_mac0]: ifInOctets.1&ifOutOctets.1:public@ROUTER # MaxBytes[traffic_mac0]: 10000000 # Title[traffic_mac0]: Traffic on Router Ethernet port # PageTop[traffic_mac0]:

Traffic on Router Ethernet port

# YLegend[traffic_mac0]: mac0 # Legend1[traffic_mac0]: In: # Legend2[traffic_mac0]: Out: # Legend3[traffic_mac0]: # Legend4[traffic_mac0]: # LegendI[traffic_mac0]: In: # LegendO[traffic_mac0]: Out: # Options[traffic_mac0]: nopercent # I may be off with the labels. You can experiment with it. # You can also add to each device: # Unscaled[traffic_DEVICE]: ymwd # where DEVICE is mac0, pvc0, etc. # Its presence results in a graph that is always the same scale, # regardless of how much or how little traffic flows across it. # Its absence results in a graph that adjust up or down to # the peaks. # Don't ask me why unscaled makes it adjust the scale. It seems # counterintuitive to me, but I didn't write the app.